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HomeHealthcareHealth and WellnessTop 10 tip for a healthy and easy fasting during Ramzan

Top 10 tip for a healthy and easy fasting during Ramzan


  • Hydrate – fasting for Ramadan usually involves not taking in any liquids. This is fine as long as when you prepare for fasting as well as when you breakfast you make sure you intake enough water and other liquids to make sure that your body is kept hydrated throughout the day.
  • Get Enough Sleep – the hunger pangs tend to come during the afternoon time when our body is used to eating lunch. It is always better to sneak in a snooze at this time so that your body also gets the rest it needs, one must keep in mind that they wake early to start fasting and also sometimes when you go out to breakfast they are out till late.
  • Eat big meals in the morning time before fasting starts, a medium meal at iftar and a small meal before sleeping – this is recommended as during the day you are more active and your body would need the nutrients, breakfast you are hungry so it is ok to eat till you are full. The last meal you take before bed should be a light one as you are sleeping and the food takes time to break down.
  • Keep moving during the day – this is so that you get a little activity throughout the day to balance out the heavy meal you have consumed earlier in the day. This will also help one digest fast therefore there won’t be much discomfort throughout the day
  • Try not to overeat – do not eat to compensate for the meals you have not had during the fasting times. This makes you lethargic and will make you feel heavy. It is also deemed as unnecessary calories.
  • Watch your blood sugar – if you do have this condition then it is best to monitor it during the fasting period and to eat and drink accordingly.
  • Eat more vegetables, fruit and proteins. – This is because it is a healthier option as well as you will feel full for a longer time. The digestion process is not too long plus fruits and veggies are a great source of hydration as well.
  • Drink warm water – this is so that it helps with the cleansing of the organs and helps to relax the organs. Warm water also reduces fatigue so that when fasting you wont feel to lethargic or tired.
  • Eat more fiber in the morning – this is so that you do not have any discomfort throughout the day.
  • Know when not to fast – Individuals who should not fast and who are exempt from Ramadan fasting include pregnant women, children under the age of puberty, elderly and frail individuals, the acutely unwell and those with chronic illnesses in whom fasting may be detrimental to health.


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