Cancer-Related Fatigue

What is Cancer-Related Fatigue (CRF)? Excessive tiredness or exhaustion brought on by mental, emotional, or physical effort is known as fatigue. Most people have had this common experience at some point in their life. The degree of fatigue can vary, ranging from a slight sense of being tired to extreme exhaustion that substantially impairs an individual's capacity to operate. Yet for a cancer patient `fatigue' is altogether a completely different experience. They consider it as the feeling of exhaustion, being completely worn out, unable to concentrate, feeling "heavy", and most of all, feeling more tired than they have ever felt. Fatigue...

Tackling dehydration in extremely hot weather

Health (Commonwealth Union) – As temperatures soar during the scorching summer months, the risk of dehydration becomes a pressing concern. Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluid than it takes in, leading to an imbalance that can have serious consequences. However, with the right strategies and awareness, you can stay hydrated and healthy even in the hottest of conditions. Here are some crucial tips to beat the heat...

Culprit behind chronic skin disease

Health, Australia (Commonwealth Union) – Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have unearthed a significant breakthrough in understanding psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by red, scaly, and itchy patches across the body. They've pinpointed a gene mutation, dubbed IKBKB, as the culprit behind this ailment. Gene mutation is a fundamental process in genetics, playing a crucial role in evolution, genetic diversity, and the development of various diseases....

Combating resilient mycobacterial infections

Health, Singapore (Commonwealth Union) – The specter of antibiotic resistance looms large over today's healthcare landscape, diminishing our ability to effectively combat once manageable infections. Among these, nontuberculous mycobacteria infections stand out for their tenacious resistance to traditional treatments and their tendency to target individuals with underlying lung conditions like bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis. The elderly and those with pre-existing health issues are especially susceptible,...

Wound care innovation

Health, UK (Commonwealth Union) – In recent years the world has significant rise in antimicrobial resistance. This has been blamed on numerous factors that include the over prescription of antibiotics and pathogenic organisms themselves evolving to resist antibiotics. This has led to healthcare professions call for urgent solutions and more research into possible new treatments. A team of international scientists has developed an innovative treatment for chronic wounds, bypassing antibiotics...

Burden of Cancer

Cancer continues to be one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that cancer is the second-leading cause of mortality worldwide in 2020, accounting for 10 million fatalities. Some of the most common types of cancers include lung, breast, colorectal, prostate, and stomach cancers. Global burden of cancer is predicted to rise as a result of aging, changing lifestyles, and population growth....

Migraine links to disabilities

Health, New Zealand (Commonwealth Union) – A recent survey conducted by the University of Otago, Wellington, and the Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand has unveiled startling insights into the impact of migraine disease on individuals' lives in New Zealand. The survey, the first of its kind in the country, reveals that over a quarter of respondents have missed school or work for over five days within a three-month period...