Saturday, May 18, 2024
HomeHealthcareHealth and WellnessSix workouts to perform from the comfort of your bed

Six workouts to perform from the comfort of your bed


Sydney, Australia (CU)_ On certain idle weekends or ordinary days, you may not feel like coming out of bed to walk on a treadmill or travel to the gym. According to research, mini workouts or brief bursts of movement may also be highly beneficial in keeping you healthy. It is true that something is preferable to nothing. Therefore, if you are not a morning person but still want to get the advantages of early exercise, here are some activities to try from the comfort of your bed.


No doubt that crunches are one of the most popular and preferred workouts for both men and women looking to improve their core muscles, since they focus primarily on the stomach area. Remain in bed, pull your feet closer to your hips, and begin elevating your upper body using your palms to support your head. Feel the burn in your abdomen and enjoy flat, toned abs.

Air Cycling

Bicycle exercise is an excellent machine-free workout that targets your obliques and abs. Simply lie on your bed. Legs should be raised to a 90-degree angle and then knees should be bent. Begin cycling while criss crossing your upper body, meaning that as you move your left knees closer, attempt to touch them with your right elbows and vice versa.


If you believe that plank is an exercise that focuses only on your core muscles, you are incorrect. It is an entire-body workout that targets your core, arms, lower body, and chest. While performing this in your bed, make sure that your body is straight and parallel to the ground.

Hip Bridge,

Keep your shoulders tight and place the feet a few inches away from your butt. Set both arms aside and use your heel to push your hips upward. They are good for your glutes and will give you toned thighs and legs.

Roll up,

If you are unable to wake up, simply roll-up. Place your arms straight over your head while lying on your back. Lift your entire upper body and attempt to reach your toes. It is an excellent upper body workout that will also improve your abs and lower back.


If you are unable to perform rigorous workouts, consider some basic and effective stretches such as touching your toes with your fingers, neck stretches, arm rotations, chest stretches, and spine twists.



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