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HomeTravel & TourismThe Gambia's top tourist attractions

The Gambia’s top tourist attractions


GAMBIA (Commonwealth Union)_ The beaches are what draw most visitors to The Gambia, and there are plenty to pick from. Luxurious five-star resorts that cater to your every whim coexist alongside lively Mediterranean-style zones brimming with restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. There is also plenty of space for languid days and long walks along the magnificent palm-tree bordered shore line. Simply choose one.

Africa’s smallest country has so much more to offer!

Abuko Nature Reserve

Abuko Nature Reserve was established in the early twentieth century to safeguard a water gathering point for local towns. It was officially established in the 1960s. With over 33,000 tourists per year, this area is rich in Gambian wildlife and is now the most visited tourist attraction in the country. This 260-acre reserve is home to three monkey species, as well as antelope, porcupine, African palm civets, crocodiles, galagos, and around 300 bird species. Abuko has the distinction of being the nearest tropical forest to Europe.


Banjul is The Gambia’s capital. It is a harbour city on the island of Saint Mary. Banjul, once known as Bathurst after the Secretary of State for the British Colonies, is the country’s government seat. For some reason, many tourists pass right by Banjul. But, with its busy harbour, rich history, colonial architecture, and urban market, the city has a lot to offer. Enjoy the street hawkers from Senegal and Guinea, as well as the shopkeepers jammed inside ancient colonial trading houses, who all contribute to the commercial district’s hectic liveliness. Keep an eye out for the native kirinting home, which is built of bamboo and is typically held by the island’s poor farmers.

The Albert Market

The Albert Market is Banjul’s activity centre. It was named after Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, and was constructed in the mid-nineteenth century. Even back then, there was a lot of bartering, negotiating, and frantic shopping. The market is interesting even on its most boring day, which is almost never! Shoes, carved wood masks, houseware, electrical devices, shoes, wonderful textiles, food, veggies, beauty supplies, garments, you name it, you’ll find it. Plan to spend a few hours seeing everything and honing your negotiating abilities. If you want to try some local cuisine, Albert Market features a variety of street vendors and drink stalls to select from.



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