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HomeHealthcareHospital and illnessShocking facts about the kiwi fruit?

Shocking facts about the kiwi fruit?


Kiwis is one of the healthiest foods which can be consumed daily. says Abeer Bader, MSc, RD, LDN, CSOWM, lead clinical nutrition specialist at the Massachusetts General Hospital Weight Center, kiwis have a pop of sweet, refreshing and contains an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, you will get over 250 percent of your daily Vitamin C which you need, by taking one cup of Kiwi.

                Kiwi is also loaded with vitamin E. In maintaining a healthy immune system vitamin C and E are crucial. As they are powerful antioxidants, which helps to fight illnesses- causing free radicals throughout the body.

                Studies indicate that kiwi has an anticancer property, especially related to colorectal cancer.

      Since Kiwi fruit is loaded with fiber, and enzymes that aid in digestion, it can also help to keep your gut health in ship – shape. Soluble and insoluble fiber can be found in Kiwi. Which provides the cholesterol -lowering and regularity encouraging power of each fiber type. It is also a prebiotic food, especially for the lactobacilli bacteria family.

                      Kiwi helps to reduce inflammation in the body, because it’s rich in antioxidants, says Bader.  It is also rich in vitamin K, which will help to maintain healthy bones and a healthy blood clotting throughout the body. Too much blood clotting is dangerous. For the body to recover from injury, regularly functioning clotting is vital.

            Kiwi fruit also contains potassium and copper. Potassium is an important electrolyte in the body, which helps to maintain fluid balance, and maintains healthy bones and nerves. Copper works well together with iron to form red blood cells in the body.

                  Studies indicate that by consuming 3 kiwis a day, individuals exhibited lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, when compared to eating an apple a day.

Though the kiwi skin may not look as inviting from the outside, but it’s packed with nutrition’s and healthy to eat. So, kiwi can be eaten with skin. By consuming a whole SunGold kiwi with skin provides 50% more fiber, 34% more folate (aka vitamin B9) and 32% more vitamin E. This research was published in the European Journal of Nutrition.

                   This zingy fruit is high in Serotonin a neurotransmitter, that’s the precursor to melatonin. This is the main hormone which maintains a healthy sleep pattern. Studies indicate that by consuming two kiwis, one hour before bedtime will “significantly” improve overall sleep time, ability to fall asleep more quickly and sleep efficiency.

                       To get all the benefits of kiwis, include them in your regular diet. Kiwis can be prepared as juices, fruit salads and smoothies. While purchasing kiwis try to get the organic ones, which is healthy in every way.



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