Saturday, May 18, 2024

What’s On Our TBR?


(Commonwealth Union)_2022 so far has been a blissful year for readers who have been fed with some amazing stories in multiple genres, bringing life to a whole new world of fantasy. Here are 4 books on our “to be read” list which you must consider adding to yours too!

01. The School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan

This gripping read is about a single-mother who is forced to share custody of her child with her estranged husband, when she makes a life-altering decision. She accidentally leaves her son unattended during a work commitment, until the police find him and interesting things unravel at her expense, starting the debate of what makes a mother good or bad.

02. Lost and Found by Kathryn Schulz

An absolutely heart-breaking story, this book captures the pain of losing a loved one and seeking solace in the aftermath of the loss, whilst striving to balance a world clouded with grief. The book is an ode to the author’s father who passed away, and is a memoir of grief, giving a subtle, yet significant reminder that darkness is temporary and that it is nearly always followed by light.

03. Memphis by Tara M. Stringfellow

A story narrating the many aspects of women empowerment, this is a tale of a mother-daughter duo who choose to seek refuge in their ancestral Memphis home, whilst putting behind them years of trauma caused by domestic violence. The narration is portrayed through a bildungsroman chronology, spanning 70 years of dreamy yet powerful sequences that hold the power to transport you into an entirely different reality.

04. Fiona and Jane by Jean Chen Ho

A tale navigating through the intricacies of female friendships, this is the story of Fiona and Jane who drifted apart when the former moved to New York from Los Angeles where they grew up. The women eventually find their way to each other, but the readers are served with emotion and compassion that cage them in Chen Ho’s magical world of wisdom long after they’ve finished reading the last page of the story.



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