Sunday, May 19, 2024
HomeFeaturesEducationIntersecting education and technology to maximize learning potential

Intersecting education and technology to maximize learning potential


In developing a skilled workforce and promoting social mobility, education is proven crucial. However, for students to demonstrate their knowledge despite any barrier, the time has come for learners to access an online learning ecosystem to support equitable access.

It has become increasingly apparent, since the onset of the pandemic, an educational equity crisis, is upon us. COVID–19 has clearly demonstrated that learners need a direct and clear online learning ecosystem, that supports equitable access, improves content creation and instructions among educators, and allow students to demonstrate their knowledge to overcome any barrier.

Some of the most impactful factors driving student success in the UK are the success and engagement in higher education and educational available technology resources, this is according to the instructor’s 2022 global study. This data coincides with other findings from reports indicating Socioeconomic factors, that have immensely impacted student success and engagement.

These factors may include psychological well–being and access to the internet, learning technological devices, and resources.

We are at a point where technology and education have become tangled, creating a basic need for internet connectivity across the globe. Bridging the digital divide and offering higher education that directly responds to students’ needs.

Studies have shown that students believe, life is more organized with the help of technology, defining success in the path to education.

Factors such as access to the internet and available technology, feed student success and are a common belief of students and administration alike.

Equitable access to all students should be at the forefront of educators and administrators. Every student in the classroom or online course should be presented with equal opportunities as any other student, whether that be facilities, tutors, or resources, such as books and supplementary materials.

Overall, providing access to resources, online learning opportunities, collaborating and communication tools, and greater flexibilities, are crucial and achievable with internet connectivity.

However, online learning will allow students to attend but not participate in class activities and discussions. This is a common concern for many educators and administrators. Finding a more interactive and collaborative technology, especially for higher education will be a great step forward.



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