Sunday, May 19, 2024
HomeHealthcareHealth and WellnessMigraine solutions administered at home for pain relief

Migraine solutions administered at home for pain relief


Migraines can ruin your whole day. Nausea, vomiting, and overwhelming sensitivity to the lights and sounds around you, makes you run to your bed or reach for your pain medication. In a regular basis, if you suffer from migraines and don’t want to rush to the hospital frequently, these home remedies will become a lifesaver.

Migraines can vary in pain and may be caused by different ways. And since are bodies are all very different, each treatment option won’t have the same results on everyone.

A cup of coffee has the possibility to drive away those migraine pains. Caffeine is known to inhibit the ability of adenosine to bind with adenosine receptors. To backtrack a bit, adenosine is a neurotransmitter in our body that can inhabit parts of our nervous system which control our levels of alertness and pain regulation. Most pain medications contain caffeine since it’s a pain relief.

However, how much you consume and how your body responds to caffeine impact how well it’ll relieve your migraine pains. Make sure you do not spike up your caffeine intake all at once. If you are looking to use it as a form of pain relief, then gradually increase your caffeine intake. Always be consistent and indulge in your coffee habit without the overstimulation. Have an open mind when trying out this remedy since it all depends on how your body responds to coffee.

According to Mercy Medical Center neurosurgeon Lars Widdel says, cold reduces the release of histamines and prostaglandins responsible for inflammatory processes, thereby acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and, therefore helps in the case of migraines, since migraines are caused by dilated blood vessels.

You make a cold ice pack, by wrapping a few ice cubes in a towel, or you can submerge your face in cold water. When keeping the ice pack on your head make sure not to hold it in the same place for a long period of time and always remove it when the area feels numb.

If you are suffering from migraine, stay away from bright screens, lights, and loud noises, which will make a huge difference. The best way to reverse a migraine is to destress.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, dehydration often triggers migraines, so a quick fix is to increase your water intake. Drinking water throughout the day can guarantee a noticeable change in your pain levels.

Though medical treatments can treat migraines, it’s easy and economical to try these home remedies.

Before trying these home remedies, it’s always recommended to seek advice from a medical professional to find out how these solutions might affect your well-being.



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