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HomeEnvironmental Services NewsAustralians see decline in backyard birds

Australians see decline in backyard birds


AUSTRALIA (CU)_ A Study by Griffith University and published in the Biological Conservation journal, pointed to a disturbing trend of the gradual decline particularly in the most heavily populated areas of Australia such as Greater Brisbane, Greater Sydney, Greater Perth and Greater Melbourne. The data was collected with support from the public to explore the diversity of birds.

PhD candidate in Griffith’s Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security Carly Campbell stated there was an elevation in noisy miners’ expansion which is not necessarily a positive development, as they are really aggressive and drive other species out of urban areas.

Australia is known for its rich biodiversity; however as increasing populations move away from rural areas to urban areas resulting in the reduced or smaller areas for gardens. This usually can have a huge impact on the biodiversity. Campbell further elaborated that Birds play a role in the signaling status of the ecosystem, as insect-eating birds can usually indicate the presence of more insects. She also stated that Brush turkeys will turn over the soil and tend to leaf litter, and lyrebirds can bring down fire risks by turning over leaf litter while assisting its break down. Comparisons can be drawn with zoologists who often warn us to about the need to keep rats at bay if we need to reduce the presence of rat eating snakes and there are cases of bat diseases that have often been linked to an increase insect population, as bats usually play a role in controlling the insect population. This is often the reason why conservationists warn of the consequences of extinction or destruction to habitat that can lead to a sequence of negative effects.

The study also pointed the need for urban planners to make adequate space for gardens. Campbell pointed out the need to increase diversity in natives’ vegetation, specifically less nectar-rich species like wattles and she-oaks, which could assist in maintaining a diverse ecosystem while encouraging a diversity of birds.



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