Sunday, May 12, 2024



Do the voices in the video resonate with your feelings too? It is more than a year since the pandemic has hit the world. Though the acute threat has reduced, the uncertainty still affects the world and all of us in a very personal way. It troubles us, it shocks us and it throws us off balance and it has left us in many questions.

What will the new normal look like?

How will be world going ahead?

How can we maintain our inner balance?

What were the lessons for all of us to learn?

How do we prepare to adapt to the new normal personally and professionally?

And when will this whole crisis finally end?

We are all faced with many questions and challenges – and it’s going to need us as a community to band together (virtually!) to find answers and overcome the challenges. Change comes from us learning and working together with our friends, family, and colleagues. That is how we will succeed and find solutions in these troubling times. 

Let us come together and reorient ourselves 

On World Health Day, April 7th, the World Forum for Ethics in Business invites you to join the virtual conference themed around ‘Changing Paradigms in a Pandemic World: How to regain Trust, Health, Happiness & Ethics’. More than 120 speakers from 90+ countries are invited to address this global conference that is likely to be attended by 2,000,000+ people. There will be 25+ parallel sessions that will focus on:

  • Integrative approaches towards health and wellness
  • Wellness in tech (A Silicon Valley session)
  • How can sports be a tool to bring people and society together?
  • Vaccination under the microscope – the pros and cons
  • Importance of mental resilience to navigate the pandemic
  • How to build immunity through breathwork

Find more information here.

Why should I attend this conference?  

There’s so much that we can’t do these days. Yet there are some things that we can definitely do, together. This conference led by expert panelists from around the globe will help you restructure your way forward, make way for helpful ideas, and to breathe life into your every day again. Here are the top 5 reasons for you to attend the conference and what you can expect from it.

1)  You will learn an integrative approach towards health and wellness

Changing the focus of medicine to shift from illness to wellness, from treatment to prevention, and from generalised approach to the individualised one is the need of the hour. This is a time to learn how other approaches like Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, etc can play significant roles along with modern allopathic medicine if properly integrated.

2) To find practical tools that help build resilience and inner stability 

The conference offers an experiential workshop on how to increase our resilience. In this session, we will do a resilience self-assessment, look at the key dimensions of resilience and tips to increase them.

3) To learn best practices to encourage and enhance employee wellbeing

Employee wellbeing fuels innovation, collaboration, and productivity, and is valued now more than ever. The conference will bring together tech leaders to discuss best practices and insights on ways to encourage and enhance employee wellbeing and strategies to sustain it with our new ways of working today and in the future.

4) To come up with solutions to the mental health crisis especially in young adults

The panel brings together a group of globally renowned experts who share practical, time-tested, and research-backed insights on means of promoting resilience, enhancing social connection, and tackling rising mental health issues among university students during the pandemic and beyond.

5) The discuss pros and cons of COVID-19 Vaccination 

The conference will also provide a platform to discuss and understand the safety, safety, side effects, the efficiency of covid vaccination, and related best practices. 

Find the list of all the global speakers of the conference and reserve your spot for free here.

Let’s find solutions together to the problems left unspoken.

Share this page with your friends and family to give them the chance to attend too.



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