Friday, May 3, 2024
HomeHealthcareHospital and illnessDigital Wellbeing in a Post Pandemic World: The Answer Lies Within

Digital Wellbeing in a Post Pandemic World: The Answer Lies Within


It may feel like we have been dealing with the pandemic for years but there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. During our time spent in lockdown, most of us found ourselves relying even more so on the digital world. Between working from home and homeschooling, connecting via video conferencing, and scrolling social media as a means to unwind- we have had way too much screen time for our own good. 

Unfortunately, this habit of being on screens may have set us up for not only less wellbeing but also could be hard to shake as we move into a more normal living dynamic. But there is help! The answer lies within.

Biochemistry effects of the digital world

Our bodies are literally a chemistry factory, creating hormones, enzymes, and various other chemicals to do all the work our bodies and minds need doing. An imbalance in a single chemical can throw us out of balance. 

Take Dopamine, for example, a type of neurotransmitter that plays an important role in how we feel. Too much or too little may contribute to ADHD and obesity. Screen time releases dopamine in the brain, which can negatively affect impulse control. Similar to drugs, screen time sets off a pleasure/reward cycle that can have a negative impact on your life. In fact, studies have shown screen time affects the frontal cortex of the brain, similar to the effect of cocaine! It’s no wonder we find ourselves addicted or at least dependent upon digital screens.

Another way to increase dopamine?

Thankfully there is a healthier way to enjoy the pleasure/reward cycle that dopamine offers- MEDITATION! One study including eight experienced meditation teachers found a 64% increase in dopamine production after meditating for one hour, compared to when resting quietly. And with all the positive benefits of meditation and no side effects, it turns out all you need to do is turn inwards! 

You don’t even have to meditate for an hour to get the benefits of meditation, just 20 minutes twice a day can set you on the path to substantial wellness and less dependent on digital screens to get that feel-good feeling. To learn more about meditation visit The Art of Living Global website.

Denise Everheart is a freelance writer, SKY Breath Meditation instructor, party planner, veg chef, and recipe designer. Follow her @everheartstudio4meditation and @celeplateyourlife on Instagram. 



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