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HomeGlobal Raising awareness of a silent killer…

 Raising awareness of a silent killer…


Global (Commonwealth Union) – Each year on July 28th, people worldwide join hands to observe World Hepatitis Day, a crucial initiative aimed at raising awareness about viral hepatitis and the urgent need for global action to combat this silent killer. Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international partners, this day serves as a reminder of the significant impact of hepatitis on public health and the importance of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Hepatitis is a group of infectious diseases that primarily affect the liver, causing inflammation and potentially leading to severe liver damage, cirrhosis, or liver cancer. There are five main types of hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, D, and E.

Hepatitis A and E are usually acute and self-limiting infections, often transmitted through contaminated food or water. On the other hand, hepatitis B, C, and D spread primarily through exposure to infected blood or body fluids, including unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles, and from mother to child during childbirth.

Despite the availability of effective prevention and treatment strategies, hepatitis continues to pose a significant burden on healthcare systems and societies. Lack of access to healthcare services, limited awareness, and social stigma associated with the disease further hinder efforts to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat. We are reminded today to take many measures to help lower the spread of hepatitis.

Testing and Diagnosis: Early detection is essential for effective management and treatment. Expanded testing programs and increased awareness of hepatitis among healthcare professionals are vital to identify and diagnose infected individuals promptly.

Treatment: For hepatitis B and C, antiviral therapies can effectively control the virus and prevent complications. Improving access to affordable and high-quality treatment is a key priority in the fight against viral hepatitis.

World Hepatitis Day serves as a powerful reminder that hepatitis is a preventable and treatable disease. By joining hands and working together, we can eliminate this silent killer from our midst and create a healthier and hepatitis-free world for future generations. We are reminded to raise awareness, encourage testing, and advocate for accessible treatment to protect millions of lives and move one step closer to achieving the goal of hepatitis elimination by 2030.



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