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SNP admits feeling 16M…!


The Scottish National Party (SNP) has admitted to felling 16 million trees on publicly owned land in Scotland to make way for wind farms. The revelation has sparked concerns from environmental groups and local communities, who say that the scale of tree felling is unsustainable and will have a negative impact on the environment.

The SNP’s Rural Affairs Secretary, Mairi Gougeon, said that the felling of trees was necessary to “facilitate windfarm development”. She insisted that there was a planning presumption in favour of protecting woodland and that wind farm developer would be expected to undertake “compensatory planting elsewhere”.

However, environmental groups have criticized the scale of tree felling, saying that it is “unprecedented” and will have a “devastating impact” on the environment. They have also called for the SNP to halt all tree felling for wind farms until a full environmental assessment has been carried out.

Local communities have also raised concerns about the impact of tree felling on their areas. They say that the felling of trees will lead to a loss of biodiversity, a decrease in air quality, and an increase in flooding. They have also called for the SNP to consult with local communities before any further tree felling takes place.

The SNP’s decision to fell 16 million trees has sparked a national debate about the future of wind power in Scotland. Some people argue that wind power is essential to meeting Scotland’s climate change targets, while others say that the environmental impact of wind farms is too great.

The debate is likely to continue for some time, but the SNP’s decision to fell 16 million trees has certainly raised the stakes. The future of wind power in Scotland may depend on how the SNP responds to the concerns that have been raised.

The felling of trees for wind farms is a controversial issue, with both environmental and economic benefits and drawbacks.

The SNP has defended its decision to fell trees, saying that it is necessary to meet Scotland’s climate change targets.

Environmental groups have criticized the scale of tree felling, saying that it is unsustainable and will have a negative impact on the environment.

Local communities have also raised concerns about the impact of tree felling on their areas.

The debate about the future of wind power in Scotland is likely to continue for some time.

The future of wind power in Scotland may depend on how the SNP responds to the concerns that have been raised.

The SNP has a number of options available to it. It could continue to fell trees for wind farms, but this would likely lead to further criticism from environmental groups and local communities. It could also reduce the number of wind farms that are built, but this would make it more difficult to meet Scotland’s climate change targets.

The SNP could also try to find a compromise solution, such as requiring wind farm developers to plant more trees than they cut down. This would help to mitigate the environmental impact of wind farms, but it would also increase the cost of wind power.



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