Friday, May 3, 2024
HomeHealthcareHealth and WellnessEar Ache whilst Swallowing a Concern 

Ear Ache whilst Swallowing a Concern 


One of the main reasons you might be experiencing ear pain during swallowing is ear infection. It can cause inflammation and swelling in the middle ear, affecting the nerves connected to the ear. 

ENT Consultant, and a Head and Neck Oncosurgeon, says, Dr Sheetal Radia, , common symptoms of an ear infection include earache, fluid drainage from the ear, hearing issues and a feeling of fullness in the ear. These infections are mostly viral or bacterial, which can be treated. Antibiotics can be prescribed for bacterial infections, while viral infections typically recover on their own.

Causes of ear pain when swallowing

  Eustachian tube dysfunction

    The eustachian tubes join the middle ear to the back of the throat and helps to control air pressure. If these tubes become blocked or fail to open properly, then it could lead to a pressure imbalance, resulting in ear pain during activities like swallowing. It can result from many reasons, such as allergies, sinus infections or colds, which causes swelling and mucus buildup, obstructing the eustachian tube’s function.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

       GERD happens when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, and in certain cases, this reflux can reach the throat and ears. Dr Radia says, that the acid irritates the throat tissues, leading to inflammation which can extend to the eustachian tubes and ears, causing pain when swallowing.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

     When swallowing, ear pain can sometimes be a result of a jaw or dental issue. In temporomandibular joint dysfunction, the joint which connects the jaw to the skull can cause pain to the ears during activities like swallowing. TMJ disorders mostly result from jaw clenching, misalignment or teeth grinding which leads to an ear pain

 Sinus infection

      Sinus infections can cause swelling and you may feel fullness in your ear. This can be a result of fungal or bacterial infections and allergies. Apart from ear pain and sore throat, sinus can cause fatigue, congestion and headache.

 Throat infection 

     If you find it painful to swallow and you have a sore throat, your earache could be because throat infection says, Dr Radia. Infections in the throat, such as sinus, tooth infection, strep throat or common cold, can radiate pain to the ears. It can be treated with antibiotics.


     If your earache comes with a severe sore throat, it could be tonsillitis. Inflammation of the tonsils can be a cause to ear pain. It may cause difficulties when swallowing, headache, fever, bad breath, swollen or red tonsils, and stomach ache.

 Earwax in the ear

    Blockages in the ear canal, whether due to excessive earwax can cause pain and discomfort when swallowing. Removal of the blockage can provide relief.

 Dental abscess

     A tooth infection or abscess, a bacterial infection in the teeth and gums, can lead to ear pain, mostly during swallowing.


    Allergic reactions can cause inflammation in the ear, leading to pain when swallowing. Recognizing and managing allergens, along with antihistamine, that is a drug which is often used to relieve symptoms of allergies, may lessen symptoms, says Dr Radia.

Eagle syndrome

   Eagle syndrome involves difficulties with the ligaments and bones in the neck and skull. A person with this condition may experience pain and discomfort in the back of the throat, face, and ear.

How to deal with ear pain while swallowing

 Keep your body hydrated

   Consuming plenty of water throughout the day can help to soothe the throat and reduce irritation, potentially easing ear pain.

 Chew gum

     Chewing gum can stimulate saliva production and help equalize pressure in the ears, especially during air travel or changes in altitude. But if you are experiencing severe pain, consult your doctor.

 Nasal decongestants

    If congestion is a contributing factor, over-the-counter nasal decongestants may help to reduce swelling and improve eustachian tube function.

 Warm compress

    Applying a warm compress to the affected ear or around the jaw area can provide relief by relaxing muscles and promoting better blood circulation.

 Avoid trigger foods

     If GERD is the cause behind ear pain, avoiding acidic or spicy foods, as well as eating smaller, more often meals, can help to minimize reflux and subsequent ear discomfort.

     If you are dealing with persistent or severe ear pain when swallowing, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor may help you to identify the underlying cause and suggest an appropriate treatment. The treatment may include antibiotics for infections or lifestyle changes for conditions like GERD.



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