Wednesday, May 1, 2024
HomeHealthcareHealth and WellnessHealth signs that are revealed by the condition of your toes

Health signs that are revealed by the condition of your toes


Health specialists say that some changes in our toes could be a sign of a serious condition and we should look out for the following symptoms.

It is vital to be aware of any issues with your toes and this is especially important for those with diabetes or other serious health issues. From signs of heart disease to fungal nail infections, many things can be seen when you look a little closer at your feet.

Toes and nails are more important than you would expect. Their condition can give us hints into our overall health especially if there are changes in appearance.

Most of us go through life not giving our feet a second thought, but if you’ve got cold toes, it could be a sign of a more serious condition. Here we look at the things that they may tell you about your health.

Cold toes

Poor circulation can be one of the main causes of cold toes and is brought on by a variety of underlying medical conditions. These can include varicose veins, thyroid problems, heart disease, diabetes, clotting disorders, peripheral artery disease, and conditions such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Changes in nail shape

The shape of your toenails can also be an indicator of health condition. If your toenails look curved or scooped it could be a sign of anemia, hypothyroidism, or an autoimmune disorder. If they have a ‘clubbed shape’ it can result from cystic fibrosis cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, lung disease or low oxygen levels in the blood.

Swollen toes

Issues with the circulatory system, including poor blood flow or lymphatic issues, can result in swelling of the toes. This can be caused by fungal infections, traumatic injuries, psoriasis, and gout.

Kidney failure, deep vein thrombosis, taking antidepressants and steroids, or hormones can also cause toe swelling. But there are other possible reasons such as when standing in the same position for too long, being overweight, wearing shoes that don’t fit properly, having a hard time from dehydration, or consuming salty foods that cause water retention

Tingling or numbness

A debilitating condition called peripheral neuropathy can cause numbness, burning, or tingling, in the feet or toes. It is often caused by diabetes and results in complete loss of feeling in the feet and hands. Other symptoms may cause weakness, fatigue, and muscle spasms.

Nail marks

Marks under the toenail can be a sign of psoriasis, a fungal infection, dermatitis, and also an indicator of melanoma. Dark vertical bands happen because of the use of nail polish or the hormone shifts in pregnancy. But they can show melanoma (skin cancer) and could signify fungal infection including athlete’s foot in the nail bed.

Fungal infection

Fungal infections that feed on nails are not always revealed until their symptoms become more apparent. White or yellow spots or streaks under the nail can suggest an infection plus discoloration and darkening of the nail.  Thickening or flaking of the nail can happen, and toenails can become stiff and fall off. Often toenail infections could be caused by a weakened immune system or poor circulation.


Your big toe in the foot has two joints and three joints in the other four toes. The toes naturally lie flat, but when pressure, such as from shoes that don’t fit properly, or a medical condition which causes your toes to curl and stay bent, this can lead to a condition called hammertoes, mallet toes, or claw toes, depending on which joint is affected.

If the middle joint of your second, third, or fourth toe is bent up so that your toe resembles a hammer, you may have what’s called a hammertoe. Ill-fitting shoes contribute to the formation of hammertoes. It can also be congenital. Other contributing causes can include certain health conditions such as neuromuscular diseases or diabetes.

Hammertoes are initially flexible as they develop, but they can become stiff over time, without treatment. When hammertoes press against the insides of your shoes, corns and calluses may form on them, which can be painful.

If your toe is still flexible, your specialist may recommend you wear roomier, more comfortable footwear. However, wearing inserts or foot pads can help to reposition your toe. But if your toe becomes fixed in the bent position, you may need surgery.

Toe pain

If you have any pain in your feet or toes, immediately visit a podiatrist to determine the reason.



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