Mumbai (Commonwealth Union)_ It was all love as Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha had their engagement in a dreamy and private ceremony in Delhi. Renowned designer Manish Malhotra, chosen by Parineeti Chopra for this special occasion, shared a dreamy picture of the couple along with a heartfelt note. In his caption, he expressed his congratulations and love for the couple, praising Parineeti’s classic elegance in the custom-made ivory blush pearl ensemble. Manish wrote, “Congratulations Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha, lots of love to you on your engagement. Classic elegance and an evening of love and Parineeti my dear gorgeous in the custom-made ivory blush pearl ensemble,” and added a bunch of heart emojis.
Following the ceremony, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha took to social media to express their gratitude. With similar Instagram posts, they thanked everyone for the overwhelming love and abundance of positivity they received, particularly regarding their engagement. They highlighted how their union brought together two different worlds and expressed their gratitude for gaining a larger family than they ever imagined. They also gave a special shout-out to the media for their support throughout the day.
The couple wrote, “Raghav and I are overwhelmed with the love and abundance of support we have received during the past few weeks, especially for our engagement. We both come from different worlds, and it is surprising to realize that our worlds also come together with our union. We now have gained a bigger family than we could have ever imagined. We are so impressed by everything we have read and seen, and we cannot thank you all enough. A special shout-out to our wonderful media friends. Thank you so much for being there throughout the day and cheering for us.”
Following the engagement, Parineeti Chopra shared a carousel of lovely images, expressing her joy and stating that everything she had prayed for had come true. She wrote, “Everything I prayed for… I said yes!” In the meantime, Parineeti’s mother, Reena Chopra, also posted a lovely picture of the couple from the engagement ceremony, accompanied by a touching caption expressing her gratitude to God and thanking everyone who extended their blessings and well-wishes.
Reena wrote, “There are reasons in your life that make you believe all over again and all the time that there is a God up there. This is one of them ….#trulyblessed #thankyougod. I would like to thank all of you who have supported and poured your blessings and wishes to them.” In terms of her professional endeavors, Parineeti Chopra is set to appear in the upcoming films Chamkila and Capsule Gill. Further, the engagement of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha has brought joy and blessings, reminding us of the power of love and the wonders that life can bring.