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HomePorts, Shipping & LogisticsLogisticsThe utilization of Singapore's parcel lockers has decreased after a year

The utilization of Singapore’s parcel lockers has decreased after a year


Despite the minimal adoption of the countrywide package delivery locker service, logistics partners have claimed productivity increases for the one-year-old project. Launched at the end of April of last year, the locker network is set up, controlled, and run by Pick Network, a fully owned subsidiary of the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). But according to the network operator, the average productivity of logistics providers has increased by three to 19 times.

Ninja Van Singapore’s national manager, Mr. Ray Chou, stated: “Customers who prefer self-collection benefit from enhanced accessibility and convenience thanks to Pick Network’s Island-wide service. “Additionally, it enables logistical players like Ninja Van to improve our last-mile efficiency by allowing us to deliver more packages in less time. The head of the commercial at Ninja Van Singapore, Mr. Kooh Wee Hou, stated: “You are optimizing the place very effectively if you can have more than 20 shipments to one spot. It truly saves us a lot of time.” Pick’s chief executive, New Soon Tee, stated that after concentrating on growing the locker network during the company’s first year of operation, his team would now strive to strengthen its relationships and inform the public about the advantages of its service. He continued by saying that Pick’s network of lockers helps to lessen the environmental effect of delivery services by reducing fuel usage and the number of trips made in response to unsuccessful deliveries.

According to Mr. New, Pick anticipates lowering service providers’ carbon dioxide emissions by 600 tons annually. The difficulty is getting Singaporeans to understand this more. To effect change, he continued, Pick will need to further inform the public about how the firm can support sustainability. Between 40 and 50 lockers in six sizes, ranging from extremely tiny, which can fit one shoebox, to extra big, which can fit a piece of 21-inch medium-size luggage, are typically available at a Pick locker station. Pick plans to install an additional 150 lockers in high-use locations and new residential neighborhoods during the following three years. Additionally, the business wants to provide parcel returns.

Locker services need to be promoted more, according to Dr. Seshan Ramaswami, assistant professor of marketing education at Singapore Management University. He stated: “Along with having a smaller carbon footprint, they also provide customers with considerable convenience by being accessible for 24/7 deposit and retrieval. But given that many Singaporeans have a servant or family member who stays at home all day, the convenience of delivery outside of business hours could not be a strong enough incentive for them to convert to the lockers. Additionally, not all e-commerce websites provide locker delivery. Some online retailers do provide free delivery to convenient pickup sites like Singapore’s many pharmacies and convenience stores.



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