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HomeFood and beveragesTop 10 super foods that you should try for a guilt free...

Top 10 super foods that you should try for a guilt free binge!


With a pandemic hitting the world in the year 2020 there has been a drastic change in the way one would go about normal life. Simple things like going to the gym or eating specific food took a change as there was now new normal way of living life. Below is a list of super foods that can be consumed guilt free by everyone that is also freely available.

  • Berries – research shows that all berries are a great source of fiber. This nutrients is something that helps your heart and even your waistline. Berries can be incorporated into your meals or eaten plain as a snack.
Image credit:https://www.simplyrecipes.com
  • Eggs – this is a source of high quality vegetarian protein. When you are not on a meat diet and are vegetarian then eggs would be the best source of protein to be consumed. One egg alone has 70 calories alone and can provide you with your daily intake of protein.
Image credit:https://upload.wikimedia.org
  • Sweet Potatoes – this vegetable gets its beautiful color from all the carotene that is packed into it. The sweet potato then compounds these carotene into vitamin A which is good for your eyes, bones and immune system.
Image credit:https://upload.wikimedia.org
  • Broccoli – this green vegetable is a powerhouse of vitamin A, C and K all three of them help with bone health. This vegetable also helps to detoxify the body.
Image credit:https://i0.wp.com
  • Oats – this is primarily a breakfast staple for most people as it is easy to prepare. It is not a known to be a superfood. Consuming this is will be an easy to take up your daily fiber intake.

Image credit:https://post.medicalnewstoday.com
  • Spinach – this leafy green does a body good. Spinach has a few important nutrients such as Vitamins, Fiber, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. This vegetable will also help you with weight loss and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Image credit:https://cdn-a.william-reed.com
  • Tea – this is mostly known to be a brilliant anti-oxidant. There have been studies to show that regular tea drinking can even reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

U.S. adults put on about a pound a year on average. But people who had a regular nut-snacking habit put on less weight and had a lower risk of becoming obese over time, a new study finds.
  • Nuts – just like berries there are different types and all provide a variety of nutrients. All nuts are packed with healthy and good fats. Nuts can be found easily in any store. They can be incorporated into your daily diet as snacks.

Image credit:https://cdn.britannica.com
  • Oranges – oranges are not a known superfood. The orange provides with one with a great source of Vitamin C and natural collagen.
Image credit:https://static.toiimg.com
  • Yoghurt – yoghurt comes in with the good bacteria that will help keep your guts healthy. Apart from this it is also very rich in calcium.



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