Thursday, May 2, 2024

What is Ballroom Dancing?


Ballroom dancing is a partnership dance that consists of two styles : the Smooth or Standard, and the Rhythm, or Latin.  Ballroom dance has been around for centuries with its first record being when a French author named Jehan Tabourot published Orchésographie during the 16th century, which contained his study of French Renaissance social dances.  The “galliard” which Shakespeare also mentioned in his writing, is one example

Couples use step patterns and move rhythmically to express the characteristics of music.  The Smooth or Standard style is focused on the grace, elegance and fluidity of movement.  The Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep and Tango are danced by couples constantly moving on the dance floor, transitioning from one place to the next in a fixed pattern.

The Rhythm or Latin style is focused on a display of vibrant energy and a personal flair where the dancing pattern of the couple is syncopated to the rhythm of the music.  The couple normally dances in one spot on the dance floor.  The more popular dances included in this style are the Jive, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble and Cha Cha.

The Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Argentine Tango, Hustle, County and Western Dancing and Night Club 2-step are more recent additions to the world of Ballroom dance.

Ballroom Dancewear

A beginner should wear a comfortable dress.   Clothes that could be worn as a starter are shown on the extreme right and below.

Various types of ballroom dance have become popular over the years, thanks to shows like So You Think You Can Dance, and Dancing with the Stars, which made this type of dance totally accessible for many.    Although it certainly takes a lot of skill to become a professional, you could also try ballroom dancing for fun, since it is a great recreational activity for individuals of all genders and ages.  It is a great way to help improve you to get in shape, make new friends, and improve your socialization skills.



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