Sunday, May 12, 2024

Why learn to Ballroom Dance ?


Why does dancing make us happy?  Dance activities have been shown to release the 4 hormones – serotonin, dopamine, estradiol and cortisol, creating a feeling of relaxation, power, fun and comfort.  Dance and music not only activate the motor and sensory circuits of our brains but also the pleasure centres.

Benefits of Ballroom Dancing

Ballroom dance promotes increased lung capacity, helps decrease cholesterol and blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, helps prevent or slow bone loss connected to osteoporosis, strengthens weight-bearing bones, and lowers the risks of Type 2 Diabetes and obesity.

Dance is a great outlet for stress, it elevates our mood by allowing us to heal depression and stress, two of the biggest enemies of our immune system.  It helps develop self-discipline and self-confidence, improving harmony between our minds and bodies, and providing us with a sense of well-being.  Dancing helps keep our joints lubricated to prevent arthritis.  Medical research proves that dance helps in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis for men and women.   Dance increases circulation, helping us improve our stamina and burn calories while speeding up our metabolism, which has beneficial impacts long after we leave the dance floor.

Ballroom Dance is a great workout

In just 30 minutes of Ballroom dancing, you can burn between 200 to 400 calories, which is roughly the same amount as cycling or running.  It is a low-impact aerobic activity, which boosts your metabolism and burns fat.  Also, since it is so much fun, you are getting these benefits without feeling like you are working out!

The bottom line is this. All dance styles have physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Find the style you enjoy the most and the benefits will add up. Regardless of the style you choose, the physical, mental, and emotional health benefits of dancing are endless.



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