Wednesday, May 1, 2024
HomeHealthcareHealth and WellnessWhat pregnant women need to know about their vaccination

What pregnant women need to know about their vaccination


 whether or not to get vaccinated, and if so, which vaccines they should get. Clear all your doubts with your doctor before booking your appointment. Notify your gynecologist about your vaccination time and date and get advice. Stay well-hydrated the day before the immunization, get a good sleep at least for 8 hours, and eat a light meal right before the inoculation.

Wear a loose outfit, particularly on the arms, to make it easier to administer immunizations. If you have ever had an allergic response to a drug, make sure to inform the center’s responsible authorities. Strictly follow all Covid guidelines in the vaccine center, such as wearing a double mask, not touching the mask, not touching surfaces, and maintaining social distance.

Wait at least 30 minutes after receiving the vaccine, as the majority of the side effects emerge during the first 30 minutes. Following the vaccination, if you feel any symptoms, such as fever, body pains, headaches, or joint problems, take paracetamol after consulting your gynecologist. Apply a heat pack, if you have a painful forearm as it will reduce the pain immediately.

To speed up your recuperation, include iron, calcium, vitamin E, and vitamin D supplements in your diet. On the day of your vaccine, take rest the whole day and stay hydrated. Monitor your fetal movements if you are in your third trimester. If you notice that your fetal movements have slowed, go to the hospital right away.

If minor symptoms do not go away or get worse, see your gynecologist right away.



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