Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeFeaturesDiasporaPakistani diaspora in Qatar remitted $1 billion to Home Country

Pakistani diaspora in Qatar remitted $1 billion to Home Country


Diaspora (Commonwealth Union) _ Pakistan annually receives a staggering $27 billion in remittances from its global diaspora, a testament to the profound economic ties that bind the nation with its expatriates. The spotlight recently fell on the contributions from the Pakistani diaspora in Qatar, as revealed by Jawad Sohrab Malik, the Special Assistant to the Caretaker Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources Development, during a compelling press conference held in the vibrant city of Doha.

In 2023, the remittances flowing back to Pakistan from its diaspora in Qatar reached an impressive $1 billion. Malik, speaking eloquently about the Pakistani community’s standing in Qatar, particularly praised the favourable labor conditions and the dedicated care extended to workers. This commendation echoed Malik’s recognition of Qatar’s commendable strides in labor reforms over the past decade, transforming it into a sought-after destination, especially for Pakistani workers seeking opportunities abroad.

Malik highlighted the substantial presence of the Pakistani community in Qatar, a robust force of around 300,000 individuals predominantly engaged in the dynamic fields of construction and hospitality. Discussing Pakistan’s proactive approach to expanding job opportunities abroad, Malik shared insights into the establishment of training centers within Pakistan. These centers aim to empower workers with the essential skills and language proficiency crucial for thriving in the global service industry, particularly in the vibrant domain of hospitality.

Delving into the numbers, Malik revealed that between 2022 and 2023, a noteworthy 58,000 Pakistani workers ventured to Qatar, reflecting the region’s magnetic appeal for skilled and diligent labor. The financial remittances from Qatar, culminating at approximately $1 billion in 2023, reverberate as a catalyst for Pakistan’s developmental plans and comprehensive renaissance.

Beyond the fiscal impact, Malik emphasized the broader global diaspora, which encompasses about 12 million people, with six million residing in the Arab Gulf countries. He reiterated the Pakistani Prime Minister’s admiration for Qatar’s successful organization of the FIFA World Cup 2022, underscoring Pakistan’s substantial contribution to the workforce dedicated to this monumental event.

As a closing note, Malik highlighted Qatar’s progressive labor reforms, which include the abolition of the sponsorship system, the implementation of a minimum wage, the Wage Protection System (WPS), and the government’s responsiveness to labor issues faced by workers. These positive steps, he emphasized, significantly benefit the Pakistani workforce in Qatar, fostering a climate of mutual respect and collaboration.



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