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HomeFeaturesEducationAustralia geared to close the Gap in MBA Programs

Australia geared to close the Gap in MBA Programs


Australia (Commonwealth)_

In a dynamic shift towards gender equality, Australian business schools are spearheading initiatives to bridge the gender gap in MBA programs and, subsequently, executive leadership roles. The Forté Foundation’s recent report, released late last year, showcased a remarkable 42% enrollment of women in full-time MBA programs across its 58 member schools, signaling a positive trend in dismantling gender imbalances in the world of business education.

The Forté Foundation, a nonprofit committed to enhancing opportunities for women in business leadership, has played a pivotal role in steering this change. A noteworthy milestone occurred in 2023 when five business schools achieved gender parity, a significant leap from only one school accomplishing this feat in 2018. This trend underscores the growing commitment of business schools to foster inclusivity and empower emerging female leaders.

Australian business schools are actively contributing to this momentum through a range of scholarships designed exclusively for women, aiming to attract and support them in MBA programs. QUT Business School, for instance, offers three scholarships tailored for women pursuing their top-ranked MBA and Executive MBA programs. These include the Women in Leadership Excellence scholarship, supported by UN Women Australia, providing a 100% tuition fee waiver for an Executive MBA. Additionally, QUT offers scholarships for female executive leaders and entrepreneurs, offering 25-50% tuition fee waivers for MBA and Executive MBA programs.

AGSM @ UNSW Business School echoes this commitment with their Full-Time MBA Scholarships. The Emerging Female Leaders Scholarship, covering up to 75% of MBA tuition fees, targets high-potential female leaders in the first five years of their careers. Candidates are automatically considered for this scholarship upon receiving an offer of admission to the AGSM Full-Time MBA program, fostering a supportive environment for diverse talent.

The University of Sydney Business School contributes to this movement through its MBA and Management scholarships. The UN Women Australia MBA scholarship, valued at over $60,000, covers full tuition fees for up to four years of part-time study, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and social change through business skills. Semester 1, 2024 applications have closed, with Semester 2 applications opening shortly.

Melbourne Business School (MBS) takes a multifaceted approach with several scholarships for women, such as the CEW and HMST Scholarship, Dean’s Scholarship for Women and Management, and the Helen Macpherson Smith Fellowship. The CEW and HMST Scholarship specifically target emerging women leaders in Victoria’s not-for-profit and for-purpose sectors, covering full tuition for the MBS Executive MBA. The Dean’s Scholarship for Women and Management, worth $50,000, aims to attract top women executives to MBS’ Senior Executive MBA program. Additionally, the Helen Macpherson Smith Fellowship, covering partial tuition fees, supports outstanding women with senior management potential or entrepreneurial aspirations.

Griffith University’s MBA Scholarship for Women, offered by the Griffith Business School, provides crucial support to current and aspiring female students pursuing MBA programs. This scholarship covers 50% of tuition fees each trimester, for a maximum of four years, reinforcing the commitment to inclusivity and affordability in business education. Applications for this scholarship close on January 29, 2024.

The University of South Australia contributes significantly through its Women in MBA (WiMBA) Scholarship, a collaborative effort with employers to match 50% of MBA tuition fees. This scholarship aims to empower women with leadership potential, fostering their advancement into senior management and executive roles. Eligible candidates must demonstrate a combination of formal qualifications and managerial experience, showcasing the university’s commitment to recognizing and nurturing diverse talent.

In conclusion, Australian business schools are making significant strides in dismantling gender imbalances in MBA programs through targeted scholarships for women. These initiatives not only enhance diversity within classrooms but also contribute to creating a more inclusive pipeline for future top executive positions. As the business education landscape evolves, these scholarships stand as beacons of opportunity, empowering women to shape the future of business leadership.

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