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HomeManufacturing and Production NewsRobotics to Bolster the Future of Bioplastics

Robotics to Bolster the Future of Bioplastics


(Commonwealth) _ Bioplastics, derived from sugars sourced from corn, sugar cane, or sugar beets, present an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastics. The appeal lies in their production from renewable resources, marking a significant shift in response to the growing awareness of plastic pollution in oceans.

Manufacturers increasingly opt for bioplastics to align with sustainable practices. Despite the promising prospects of bioplastics, challenges exist in their production. Continuous and uninterrupted production runs, whether small or large, are essential for achieving targeted hourly product outputs in plastic molding operations. Establishing standards for the efficient loading and unloading of molds, ensuring smooth collaboration between machines and human workers on the production line, is crucial. Injection molding, a prevalent manufacturing process, necessitates adherence to these standards for seamless operations. In the realm of bioplastics, robots with longer arms, specifically 6-axis robots, are gaining prominence. Widely recognized as industrial workhorses, these robots are particularly valued for their effectiveness in injection molding applications. Despite their proven utility, some manufacturers remain hesitant to invest in robotics, with cost, space constraints, and a reluctance to embrace cultural and procedural changes being common barriers.

Cost considerations and limitations in available space are primary concerns for manufacturers contemplating robot integration. However, a less-discussed obstacle revolves around the cultural and procedural shifts that robotics may necessitate. Some manufacturers express apprehension about whether their human production line workers possess the technical understanding and skills required to effectively operate robots. Resistance to departing from established practices, whether related to production processes, communication methods, or reliance on trusted machines and tools, presents a significant challenge. To address these concerns, robot designs must now accommodate smaller spaces, aligning with manufacturers’ increasing emphasis on optimizing “machine real estate.” This signifies a goal to utilize every square meter of production space for actual production. Moreover, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), in its Digital Factories 2020 report, identifies a crucial obstacle to the widespread adoption of robotics in production lines — the presence of an “insufficient digital company culture” or the reluctance of human workers to embrace digital change. Overcoming these challenges is vital for the successful integration of robots into manufacturing processes. Despite initial hesitations, robots are undergoing significant evolution to align with existing manufacturing practices. They are becoming more compact, faster, and increasingly adaptable to specific production lines. TM Robotics, the primary partner of Shibaura Machine (formerly Toshiba Machine) robotics, has recently expanded its range of six-axis robots, offering a diverse selection suitable for various applications, including bioplastics. These robots seamlessly integrate with Shibaura Machine’s injection molding machines, such as the innovative SXIII range known for its enhanced performance and faster injection speeds. When paired with a rapid cycle 6-axis robot for loading and unloading tasks, manufacturers can anticipate a notable increase in throughput. TM Robotics’ portfolio includes a series of vertically-articulated, 6-axis robots available in three models, each offering low headroom, extended reach, and various advantages. The TVL range, characterized by its compactness, lightweight design, and space-saving features, maintains the full functionality of a 6-axis robot. The latest addition is the TVM range, featuring highly productive and reliable robots designed for diverse industries, including automotive components, medical, packaging, pharmaceuticals, and plastics. The TVM1500, TVM1200, and TVM900 models offer maximum reaches of 1715 millimeters, 1418 millimeters, and 1124 millimeters, respectively. With three distinct arm lengths, each model’s operating range can be expanded further by mounting the robot on an optional linear actuator. This comprehensive offering underscores the commitment to providing tailored solutions for manufacturers in the evolving landscape of robotics in manufacturing



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