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Commonwealth chief calls on world leaders to come to the table with ‘highest possible ambition’


(CU)_At the upcoming climate conference Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland will advocate for the interests of the association’s 54 member states, including 32 small states who are currently on the front lines of the climate crisis. Accordingly, just days ahead of the summit, the Secretary-General urged all countries to deliver an ambitious outcome at the gathering in order to establish a sustainable future for younger generations.

“I urge leaders to come to the table with the highest possible ambition and a reinvigorated determination to do all we can to keep a 1.5 degree cap on global warming. The science is clear – failing on this mission will cost us a viable, sustainable future for our children and grandchildren. We must not squander this opportunity to build back on a more sustainable path,” she said.

Scotland went on to appeal for increased support for the smallest and most vulnerable nations, particularly in terms of financial aid. “I call on governments to align their COVID-19 recovery planning to the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” she added. “The developed world needs to keep its promise to deliver US$100 billion every year through to 2025 to support developing countries as they try to cope with the damaging impacts of this climate crisis. Additional financial support is also needed to address loss and damage, particularly for the most vulnerable.”

Last week, the Commonwealth chief expressed her intention to give a voice to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) at this year’s Conference of the Parties, which she described as “a complex, layered, technical process”. “We will go to Glasgow with the determination to put the voices of SIDS at the heart of global dialogue. The Commonwealth Charter makes it clear that the future success of our family of nations rests with the continued commitment and contributions of young people,” she said during a virtual consultations event on 18 October.



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