Friday, June 14, 2024
HomeFeaturesEducationThey finally get the funding boost!

They finally get the funding boost!


The year 2021 is bringing good news to students across the education spectrum. This is because new funding plans are being made to newer categories of education that were not deemed funding worthy in the past. As we speak of primary and secondary school these are just stepping stones for children to maybe decide what they wanted to be when they grew up.

In the past it was more doctor, Lawyer and engineer and as time went on and parent became more open minded there were other additions such as dancer, painter and actor. The education industry grew according to these new education avenues and so did the funding.

As this trend of new careers continued we saw a rise in agricultural and horticultural education. Students were showing interest in getting into this areas so that they could possibly give back to nature and society. The problem was though that there was never enough funding by collages for this type of programme or there were not many scholarships available for students that wanted to study this.

New Zealand however changed the game. Just last week there were 120 scholarships presented to 120 agricultural and horticultural students at Massey University in Palmerston North. Horticultural companies such as Zespri, Horticulture NZ and Fruit Fed supplies were the main ones offering horticultural scholarships. Both undergraduate and postgraduate students received funding from a range of sources to help them continue their studies.

Noeleen Olson was a teacher at Roslyn School for 28 years as well as member of the horticulture society. She in her will left $40,000 for scholarships and they were presented to the students that needed it for horticulture programme. This did not mean the agriculture student weren’t taken care of. The Agricultural students were also well funded on the night, with sponsoring companies present including FMG, Agcarm, Norwood and Ravensdown. Students interested in environmental issues within agriculture were funded by organisations such as Horizons Regional Council and the QEII Trust.



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