LONDON (Commonwealth Union)_The sector has cautioned that quantitative easing is probably only going to be “a very short-term remedy” making long-dated gilts susceptible despite the Bank of England’s participation in the bond markets. On October seventh, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) announced that the credit guarantee plan for entrepreneurs, which would offer them collateral-free loans up to a certain maximum.

An announcement stated that the plan will apply to loans or debt facilities granted to an eligible borrower on or after October 6. The “Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS) has been authorized by the Central Government to provide credit guarantees on loans made by member institutions (MIs) to fund qualifying borrowers who are startups,” it stated.

It went on to say that this plan will assist in giving entrepreneurs the crucial debt financing they require without using any collateral. Additionally, it stated that lending institutions must examine credit applications using prudent banking judgment, apply business judgment and due investigation to choose economically viable ideas, and manage borrower accounts with typical banking prudence. Financial intermediaries (banks, financial institutions, NBFCs, and AIFs) who participate in lending and investing meet the qualifying requirements.

The committee will be in charge of examining, overseeing, and monitoring how the trust is operating. It will also be required to provide the trust with the appropriate direction on broad policy issues about the plan. The Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Plan (ECLGS) had its scope increased by the finance ministry on October 5 to increase the maximum credit available under the scheme. To help the Covid-affected industry get over the liquidity crunch, the lending maximum under the plan was increased from 400 crores to 1,500 crores.


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