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IITK scholarships overview


The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) is renowned not only for its academic excellence but also for its commitment to supporting students financially through a variety of scholarships. These scholarships are aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder academic and research pursuits. Annually, IIT Kanpur offers several scholarships including Merit-cum-Means Scholarships, INSPIRE Scholarships, and Donor Scholarships, alongside others designed to meet diverse student needs. These scholarships encompass fee concessions and direct benefit transfers to students’ bank accounts, thereby facilitating a smoother educational journey.

Merit-cum-Means Scholarships

The Merit-cum-Means Scholarship is one of the cornerstone financial aid programs at IIT Kanpur. This scholarship provides a full tuition fee waiver and a monthly pocket allowance of Rs 1,000 to students who maintain a minimum Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) of 6.5. However, if a student’s CPI falls between 6.0 and 6.5, the pocket allowance is withdrawn, although the tuition waiver remains intact. This scholarship is designed for non-SC/ST students whose parental annual income is less than Rs 4,50,000. The Merit-cum-Means Scholarship reflects IIT Kanpur’s commitment to recognizing and nurturing academic talent, while also considering the financial backgrounds of its students.

INSPIRE Scholarships

The Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) Scholarship is another significant financial aid program at IIT Kanpur. This scholarship awards Rs 30,000 per semester, totaling Rs 60,000 annually, and includes a research grant of Rs 20,000. It is specifically targeted at students who rank within the All India Rank (AIR) 10,000 in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics departments. Recipients of the INSPIRE Scholarship are required to maintain a minimum CPI of 6.0 and must provide an undertaking affirming that they are not receiving any other scholarships. This scholarship underscores IIT Kanpur’s emphasis on fostering research and innovation at the undergraduate level.

Donor Scholarships

Donor Scholarships at IIT Kanpur are awarded to meritorious and financially needy students. To be eligible, students must have a CPI of at least 6.0 and a Total Family Annual Income (TFAI) below the threshold of Rs 6,00,000, known as TFAI_norm. These scholarships are often tailored to specific departmental and year-based criteria, and in some cases, the eligibility criteria may be relaxed to accommodate more students. Donor Scholarships highlight the role of alumni and benefactors in supporting the next generation of engineers and scientists.

Free-Basic-Mess Scholarship

The Free-Basic-Mess Scholarship is aimed at SC/ST students whose parental income is less than Rs 4,50,000. This scholarship covers the basic mess bill and provides a pocket allowance, ensuring that students from disadvantaged backgrounds can focus on their studies without worrying about basic sustenance costs. This initiative aligns with IIT Kanpur’s broader goals of inclusivity and social equity.

Sports Scholarships

Recognizing the importance of sports and extracurricular activities in holistic education, IIT Kanpur offers Sports Scholarships. Up to 20 scholarships, each worth Rs 1,000 per month for nine months, are awarded annually. These scholarships are granted based on demonstrated leadership and excellence in sports activities. The Sports Scholarships encourage students to pursue their athletic interests alongside their academic endeavors, fostering well-rounded development.

External Scholarships

In addition to the aforementioned scholarships, IIT Kanpur also assists students in applying for various external scholarships. Detailed information and guidance are provided through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP), which lists various Government of India scholarships. This support ensures that students can leverage all available resources to fund their education.

IIT Kanpur’s comprehensive scholarship programs are integral to its mission of providing accessible and high-quality education to all its students. By offering a range of scholarships based on merit, need, and extracurricular achievements, the institute ensures that financial barriers do not impede academic and research excellence. These scholarships not only alleviate the financial burden on students but also motivate them to strive for greater academic and personal achievements. Through these initiatives, IIT Kanpur continues to uphold its reputation as a premier educational institution committed to fostering talent and inclusivity.



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