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Bath sports scholarships


The University of Bath, renowned for its commitment to fostering athletic excellence, has long been a trailblazer in supporting student-athletes. As the first institution in the United Kingdom to introduce athletic scholarships, it provides an unparalleled environment that empowers athletes to excel both academically and in their respective sports. These scholarships, integral to the university’s Student Performance Sport and Breakthrough Programs, offer financial assistance aimed at nurturing athletic talent and acknowledging ongoing achievements.

Application Period and Process

The application window for the University of Bath sports scholarships opens on Friday, May 31, 2024, and closes on Friday, September 27, 2024. Prospective applicants should mark these dates and prepare their submissions accordingly. The process is straightforward but competitive, designed to identify and support the most promising athletes.

Prestigious Alumni

The University of Bath boasts an impressive roster of past scholarship recipients who have achieved international success. Among them are Michael Jamieson and Samantha Murray, both London 2012 Olympic silver medalists in swimming and modern pentathlon, respectively. Dom Parsons, a bronze medalist in skeleton at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, is also a distinguished alumnus. More recent successes include Joe Choong and Anna Hopkin, both Tokyo 2020 Olympic champions in modern pentathlon and swimming, respectively. Notably, double Tokyo 2020 Olympic champion Tom Dean, who studies Mechanical Engineering and trains at the Aquatics GB Bath Performance Centre, exemplifies the exceptional caliber of athletes nurtured by these scholarships.

Eligible Fields and Scholarship Type

The sports scholarship at the University of Bath is open to student-athletes across various sports disciplines. It is designed to provide comprehensive support, addressing the financial and developmental needs of athletes. This scholarship is not a loan but a grant, offering financial assistance in non-repayable cash awards distributed in installments. This flexibility allows recipients to use the funds as needed, whether for training expenses, equipment, or competition fees.

Support and Funding

The scholarship is generously funded by the university’s alumni, corporate partners, and dedicated donors. This support underscores the broader community’s commitment to nurturing athletic talent and ensuring that financial barriers do not impede potential.

Selection Criteria

The selection process is rigorous, involving several stages to ensure that only the most deserving athletes are chosen. Initially, applications are shortlisted based on specified criteria and supporting statements provided by the applicants. Shortlisted candidates will then participate in informal interviews with the Performance Sport Officer and the Head of Performance Sport during the week commencing October 7, 2024.

Final Selection

The final selection panel, comprising key university and sports officials, will convene before the end of October 2024. This panel will review all shortlisted candidates and make the final decisions on scholarship awards. The comprehensive selection process reflects the university’s dedication to identifying athletes who not only demonstrate exceptional talent but also exhibit the potential for ongoing development and success.

The University of Bath’s sports scholarships represent a significant opportunity for student-athletes to receive the support necessary to achieve their highest potential. By offering financial assistance, flexibility in spending, and robust support systems, the university continues to be a leader in nurturing the next generation of elite athletes. Prospective applicants are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and begin their application process well ahead of the deadline.

For more detailed information and to submit an application, visit the official University of Bath scholarships page. The journey to excellence begins with a single step, and at the University of Bath, that step is well supported.



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