Hospitals & Disease News

Were a grueling 13 hours sufficient for the Apollo team to complete transplant?

India (Commonwealth Union)_ In Bengaluru Apollo Hospitals, the Department of Pulmonology accomplished a remarkable feat by successfully conducting a unique lung transplant on a...

A 10-day-old baby finds it hard to pass urine!

India (Commonwealth Union)_ A team of doctors at Apollo Hospital successfully treated a 10-day-old underweight newborn by performing surgery to remove a congenital posterior...
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A helpline in Sri Lanka by Apollo Hospitals to assist patients and doctors

Sri Lanka (Commonwealth Union)_ The Apollo Hospitals Group, Afro-Asia’s leading private sector integrated healthcare provider, has announced a Sri...

Walking and it’s hidden health benefits

Walking regularly leads to many health benefits. A university of Tennessee  study found that women who walked daily had...

Banana, the miracle fruit!

The usual mindset, is that bananas shouldn’t be eaten. However, a dietitian provides the real facts on banana nutrition....

Apollo hospital, Navi Mumbai unveils 4th generation Da Vinci Xi Robotic System

India (Commonwealth Union)_The Apollo Cancer Centre in Navi Mumbai unveiled the fourth-generation Da Vinci Xi Robotic System. The highlight...

The Science of Hypnosis

By Harold Wijetunge To understand how hypnosis works and how verbal suggestion can make therapeutic changes to oneself, the theory...

Apollo Hospitals reveals INR 3,000 crore expansion plans!

India (Commonwealth Union)_ According to top corporate sources, the Indian healthcare giant Apollo Hospitals has devised a INR 3,000...

Tree Top Hospital launches a TTH clinic in Malé

Maldives (Commonwealth Union)_Tree Top Hospital has officially inaugurated a TTH Clinic in Malé City, the capital of the Maldives....

Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai opens genomics institutes

India (Commonwealth Union)_ In order to provide complete treatment for patients and families with genetic abnormalities, Apollo Hospitals has...

AHPRA reduces red tape to expedite the employment of overseas physicians in Australia

Australia (Commonwealth Union)_As part of an effort to reduce red tape and address labor shortages, foreign-trained physicians and other...

Study finds Indian-American kids face racial prejudice as early as preschool

USA (Commonwealth Union)_ According to a new study, young Indian-Americans, who are part of the 3.5 million plus South...